Saturday, May 2, 2015

PDF⋙ Scales, Intervals, Keys, Triads, Rhythm, and Meter (Third Edition) by Claire Boge, John Clough, Joyce Conley

Scales, Intervals, Keys, Triads, Rhythm, and Meter (Third Edition) by Claire Boge, John Clough, Joyce Conley

Scales, Intervals, Keys, Triads, Rhythm, and Meter (Third Edition)

Scales, Intervals, Keys, Triads, Rhythm, and Meter (Third Edition) by Claire Boge, John Clough, Joyce Conley PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

As in previous editions, the Third Edition of Scales, Intervals, Keys, Triads, Rhythm, and Meter introduces the basics of music theory and part writing accessibly and engagingly.

The authors have retained the text’s self-instructional organization, with tests at the end of each part, while adding new quizzes at the end of each set and a cumulative test for Parts One through Six. A new design features visually striking pedagogical aids, allowing students to progress through exercises at their own pace or to dip into the text at any point to brush up on specific skills. The Third Edition also includes numerous new examples from the music literature to reinforce theoretical concepts covered in each set, as well as an appended study anthology of ten complete pieces that allows students to see how individual concepts are woven into the fabric of a composition. The companion CD, keyed to specific frames in each set, provides enormously useful aural reinforcement.

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Scales, Intervals, Keys, Triads, Rhythm, and Meter (Third Edition) by Claire Boge, John Clough, Joyce Conley EPub

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