Friday, January 15, 2016

PDF⋙ A Bird and Its Albatross - A Tale of Renewal by Liz Longo

A Bird and Its Albatross - A Tale of Renewal by Liz Longo

A Bird and Its Albatross - A Tale of Renewal

A Bird and Its Albatross - A Tale of Renewal by Liz Longo PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A beautiful story told in painting and poetry, depicting greed, loss, and mourning and the struggle with understanding, harmony, renewal and community that might lead to a more peaceful treetop. From cockatiel to pardalote and from kookaburra to frogmouth, the birds sing out with such characterization that one wonders if they night not just be a little human. Inspired by the New York Public Library's French Book Art/Livres D'Artists, Artists and Poets in Dialogue exhibit in 2006, this book becomes itself in surprising, visually stunning ways that leave feathers in the hand.

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