Dramatic Theory and Criticism by Bernard Frank Dukore, B. F. Dukore
Dramatic Theory and Criticism by Bernard Frank Dukore, B. F. Dukore PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The chief purpose of this book is to make available the major documents in dramatic theory. Some are important historically, some intrinsically; others have both historic and intrinsic value. Apart from presenting such writings by dramatic theorists and critics, the book also aims to offer works by philosophers, psychologists, and social theorists, and by dramatic authors.The selections include theories and analyses of the major, traditional dramatic genres, from ancient to modern times, and of modern genres, forms of drama, and conceptions of theatre. It is a thread that may be traced throughout the anthology. Another thread is a contrast between traditional and more 'avant garde' dramas. In addition, there is discussion of social contexts and resonances of the drama, dramatic action and playwriting, dramatic illusion, and Shakespearean criticism.
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