Neurological Rehabilitation, 6e (Umphreds Neurological Rehabilitation)
Neurological Rehabilitation, 6e (Umphreds Neurological Rehabilitation) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Using a problem-solving approach based on clinical evidence, Neurological Rehabilitation, 6th Edition covers the therapeutic management of people with functional movement limitations and quality of life issues following a neurological event. It reviews basic theory and covers the latest screening and diagnostic tests, new treatments, and interventions commonly used in today's clinical practice. This edition includes the latest advances in neuroscience, adding new chapters on neuroimaging and clinical tools such as virtual reality, robotics, and gaming. Written by respected clinician and physical therapy expert Darcy Umphred, this classic neurology text provides problem-solving strategies that are key to individualized, effective care.
- UNIQUE! Emerging topics are covered in detail, including chapters such as Movement Development Across the Lifespan, Health and Wellness: The Beginning of the Paradigm, Documentation, and Cardiopulmonary Interactions.
- UNIQUE! A section on neurological problems accompanying specific system problems includes hot topics such as poor vision, pelvic floor dysfunction, and pain.
- A problem-solving approach helps you apply your knowledge to examinations, evaluations, prognoses, and intervention strategies.
- Evidence-based research sets up best practices, covering topics such as the theory of neurologic rehabilitation, screening and diagnostic tests, treatments and interventions, and the patient's psychosocial concerns Information.
- Case studies use real-world examples to promote problem-solving skills.
- Non-traditional approaches to neurological interventions in the Alternative and Complementary Therapies chapter include the movement approach, energy approach, and physical body system approaches therapies.
- Terminology adheres to the best practices of the APTA as well as other leading physical therapy organizations, following The Guide to Physical Therapy Practice, the Nagi model, and the ICF World Health Model of patient empowerment.
- Updated illustrations provide current visual references.
- NEW chapters on imaging and robotics have been added.
- Updated chapters incorporate the latest advances and the newest information in neuroscience and intervention strategies.
- Student resources on an Evolve companion website include references with links to MEDLINE and more.
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